Oral sedation is one of the available methods of conscious sedation dentistry, inhalation sedation (e.g., nitrous oxide), and conscious intravenous sedation.
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral Conscious Sedation is the lowest level of sedation dentistry (other than Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas). You will be asked to arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled treatment time and given oral medication to help relax you and lower your anxiety. The sedation medicine is not intended to put you to sleep; it merely relaxes and calms you. However, many patients do end up falling asleep during their procedure. You’ll be asked to have a driver to take you home after your appointment until the medication wears off.

Inhalation sedation
Nitrous oxide is one of the safest anesthetics available. It is a sweet-smelling, colorless gas. Most people can have nitrous oxide treatment. It is applied through a mask that fits snugly over the nose approximately five minutes before the dental procedure. We can vary the depth of sedation depending on your level of anxiety.
This sedation dentistry method is safe and well-established. It provides a comforting effect, and the patient will remain awake, in control, and able to communicate. The gas tends to lessen anxiety, increase a patient’s pain threshold, and reduce saliva flow and an overactive gag reflex that can be brought on by stress.
Nitrous oxide’s sedation effect is felt within minutes, and the effect wears off within minutes after the gas is stopped.
IV Sedation
IV sedation is delivered by injection. Once it takes effect, the patient feels a deep state of relaxation. A patient who receives IV sedation will not feel any discomfort during the procedure;, in most cases, patients who undergo IV sedation remember nothing about the procedure. However, you will not lose total consciousness with nitrous oxide sedation. Instead, you will remain awake throughout your procedure and able to communicate with your oral health care team.
Can I benefit from sedation dentistry?
Dental Implant Studio offers sedation dentistry to comfort those who suffer from dental phobia. This condition occurs when people feel high anxiety, fear, or even outright terror over going to the dentist. Millions of people in the United States—possibly as many as 30 to 40 million individuals, are afflicted with dental phobia, and you could be one of them. Ironically, many of these people are in the greatest need of professional oral health care because they have neglected their teeth and avoided the dentist due to anxiety or fear.
Dentist in Miami Lakes, Florida. Schedule an Appointment with Dental Implant Studio at (786) 786-4888